Vacation Bible School is a dynamic experience that brings the entire church together to focus on its kids and their salvation. With a VBS kit from PPH, you get everything you need to have a fun, Spirit-filled, creative experience.
VBS is a great event to:
  • Have focused prayer for kids to receive the Holy Ghost
  • Invite new kids from your community
  • Have fun with games, music, and exciting Bible-related activities
  • Plug in new volunteers for this special event
Flexible for use during the day, at night, or during regularly scheduled Sunday services! VBS IS FOR EVERYONE, NO MATTER YOUR CHURCH FORMAT! Contact our VBS expert for ideas on implementing Vacation Bible School at your church


Included in your VBS kit:

    • Director's Guide
    • Decor Guide
    • Snack and Object Lesson Guide
    • Craft Guide
    • Game Guide
    • Music Guide
    • Music CD with eight original Apostolic songs
    • USB with a digital version of all files to share with the volunteers on your team
    • And more promotional materials


What Churches Are Saying:

“I am so thankful for this Apostolic Vacation Bible School. We did it this summer, and I’m ready to do the next one next summer.” – Pastor Jimmy Toney
“We were super thrilled with this curriculum! It was easy from beginning to end!” – Willow Springs, NC
“Kids and teachers are loving it. The teachers are saying this is their favorite VBS ever.” – Fairbanks, AK
“It was a total hit! Best VBS we’ve done thus far. Amazing time digging through the Bible with our teachers and Dr. Albert and a beautiful altar service on the very last night.” – Charleston, SC
“So thankful for this VBS. It’s so nice not having to rearrange and change the doctrine.” -Nova Scotia Junior Camp
“I have absolutely loved this VBS. Everything just goes hand in hand. The altars were full, and adults were praying around the church. This has been an incredible VBS.” – Oil City, LA